Responsabilité sociale des entreprises
Human AI professional remote sales agent
Human AI Outreach agent
Human AI Web agent
MYai Robotics milite fermement pour l'égalité des chances dans l'éducation. Nous pensons que l’éducation est la clé de l’avenir de chaque enfant, quelle que soit son origine. L’éducation est le seul égalisateur capable d’assurer l’avenir de chaque enfant qui a la possibilité d’apprendre.
Pour soutenir notre croyance en l’éducation, nous contribuerons et ferons don de nos services et de notre plateforme aux établissements d’enseignement et aux écoles publiques des centres-villes de tous les pays où nos services sont fournis, et où l’abordabilité constitue un obstacle à l’apprentissage.
Nous nous engageons à travailler avec des éducateurs du monde entier pour apporter des connaissances et des compétences à chaque enfant, peu importe où il vit.
Presentation Skills:
The agent is trained to introduce and present both the business and products to customers, referring to the customer by name to personalize presentations.
Assume Close Strategy
The remote agents are trained to guide clients to buying decisions, overcome objections and assume close when the client has provided the right answers to the closing questions and it has overcome the objections.​
Pour plus d’informations sur le support et l’assistance pédagogique MYai Studies, contactez :
Handshake with Human Sales Agents.
The remote sales agent has been trained to guide the client into booking appointments with a human sales agent (The handshake). The AI agent delivers closed lead to human agents. A close lead is a client who has agreed to meet with a human sales agent to move the business forward.
2. Human AI Web Agent
The Human AI web agent serves as your dedicated retail clerk, seamlessly converting ordinary e-commerce sites into engaging shopping experiences. With its advanced natural language understanding, the Human AI warmly welcomes each visitor, asking about their needs and identifying returning customers by name to create a personalized atmosphere. As your virtual shopping assistant, Human AI expertly navigates visitors through the site, directing them to products that catch their interest.
It poses insightful questions to understand how best to assist, highlights exclusive discounts and offers, and gently steers users toward informed purchasing decisions and a smooth checkout process. Designed to be persuasive, Human AI effectively communicates compelling reasons for choosing our site. Furthermore, it captures visitor information, turning potential leads into loyal customers.
3. Human AI Outreach Agent
The Outreach Agent is an invaluable marketing tool designed to connect with hundreds of thousands of clients every day, empowering businesses to rapidly achieve their marketing goals. It is particularly beneficial for startups focusing on market penetration and developing their Minimum Viable Product (MVP). By delivering engaging presentations, including videos and GIFs, it captivates audiences and facilitates interactive Q&A sessions that collect critical data, providing invaluable insights into products and services.
With its Human-AI feature and natural language understanding, the Outreach Agent effectively communicates and identifies interested customers and books for founders and businesses, driving essential market traction and fostering growth. We recommend experiencing its capabilities by clicking the link above